Kidpassage Kidpassage
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Add a camp to the Kidpassage Collection

We create a unique collection of camps from all over the world. By posting information about your camp on our portal, you will increase the visibility of your project and get new clients.

Why it's worth placing your camp

in our collection?

3 000 000 visitors per year

We have a unique collection of children's camps, family entertainment and hotels for vacations with children. The site is visited by more than 3,000,000 parents a year.

300 000 subscribers in social media

Groups on Facebook, Instagram, VKontakte, and Odnoklassniki have over 300,000 subscribers.

5 000 bookings per year

In our listing you can find more than 1,700 camps from around the world. During the season parents submit about 5 thousand applications to book session at children's camps!
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Thanks to a specially designed interface, you can manage your own page of the camp, add sessions, photos, description of programs.

How to add your summer camp

to our listing
the provider's profile
Fill out
the form

Pricing plan

for camp listing
Placement in the catalog for a period of 1 year
Quick moderation of the camp profile
Commission from paid applications - 10% of the cost
Fixed price
Placement in the catalog for a period of 1 year
Quick moderation of the camp profile
No commission
All inclusive
Placement in the catalog for a period of 1 year
Quick moderation of the camp profile
No commission
All types of additional promos for the camp (TOP country/resort list, camp placement on the main page of the site, camp placement in the “Camps” menu)
during the year
Three posts about your summer camp in social groups

Additional services

for summer camp promo
Main page

Placing your camp on the home page of the site

50 $/month
Children's Camps page

Placing your camp in the Children's Camps page menu

35 $/month
Home + Menu + Social Networks

Placement on the home page + in the menu of "Children's camps" page + promo in social groups

80 $/month
TOP listing

Placing your camp on top lists (country/resort)

50 $/year
Choose service!
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Complete the registration on our website. Go to your personal cabinet - "Profile" - click on the orange tab "Camps" - "Create Provider". Important: In the Provider's contact info, enter your email, where we will forward your applications to book sessions.

After registration, a confirmation email was sent to the email address you used to fill out the form. If you haven't found the letter in your inbox within 2 minutes after registration, please check your spam folder - the letter probably got there. If there is no letter - please inform us about it to the e-mail address

We do not publish contacts of the camp, applications for booking sessions will come to you on e-mail, which you specified when registering.

Camp information, once posted or edited, awaits moderation. This can take up to 3 business days, but usually the camp is moderated the same day.

All camps on the site are sorted by location. If you have 10 camps with the same program but in different cities, add 10 separate camps.

We have certain requirements for the presentation of information. For example, we don't use capital letters (for example, we use "Camp" instead of "CAMP"), we don't use colored fonts, we don't use different symbols

There may be different reasons: photos are too small, do not fit the theme, violate ethics, the photos contain contacts of the camp - we do not publish such photos.

If a visitor of our site is interested in your project, he can make an order for booking a session or a request for feedback to the organizer of the camp. The order will be sent directly to your email address, which you provided during registration. The application from the visitor will have all the necessary information so that you can contact him and sell a trip

No, the reservation service is free for all visitors.

You need to delete the camp session in your personal cabinet.

There is no need for deletion, as all camps that have no active sessions, or those that are no longer running, are displayed at the very bottom of the list. Site visitors will then have the opportunity to send you requests for future camps or other information regarding your project. This is an additional channel of communication for you and an opportunity for potential future sales. There is no charge for such requests. But, if you still want to remove a camp from the directory, please email a request to us with the name of the camp and the reason for removal.

Any questions left?
Contact us for any details.
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