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Lednice Castle

Lednice Castle

Czech Republic, Lednice

Lednice Castle, with its picturesque setting in the South Moravian countryside, is a testament to the grandeur and craftsmanship of centuries past. This architectural marvel near the Austrian border is part of the UNESCO-listed Lednice-Valtice Cultural Landscape. Its English Neo-Gothic design and verdant surroundings have captivated visitors for generations.

The chateau's history weaves through the fabric of European aristocracy. It has been a seat for the Liechtenstein family, who left their mark with lavish interiors and expansive gardens that continue to enchant adults and children alike. Not just a symbol of heritage, Lednice Castle is a gateway to a bygone era, offering many educational and entertaining opportunities for families embarking on a historical adventure.


  1. What is Lednice Castle Known for?
  2. Here is Why Your Kids Will Find it Interesting
  3. History of Lednice Castle
  4. Architectural Evolution
  5. Lednice Castle Grounds
  6. Castle Interiors
  7. Cultural Significance
  8. Annual Events and Celebrations
  9. Conservation and Restoration
  10. Additional Services
  11. Gallery
  12. Gift Shop and Souvenirs
  13. Local Cuisine and Dining
  14. Best Time to Visit
  15. How Long Does It Take to Attend?
  16. Is Lednice Castle Worth Visiting?

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A visit to this chateau promises a day filled with discovery. With elaborately decorated rooms that echo the sounds of history and tranquil grounds perfect for strolls, it's no surprise that Lednice Castle ranks among the most cherished landmarks in the Czech Republic.

What is Lednice Castle Known for?

Lednice Castle is celebrated as a cultural gem in the Czech Republic. This Neo-Gothic palace is famed for its architectural grandeur and storied past, tracing back to the 13th century when it began as a Gothic fort. Over centuries, it has evolved into the enchanting chateau that families love to explore today.

Visitors are mesmerized by the elaborate interior, comprising meticulously decorated rooms that offer a window into the lives of European aristocracy. The castle's extensive gardens are equally magnificent, sprawling across almost 200 hectares. They house a variety of attractions, including a Palm House, a minaret, and a romantically designed John's Castle, making it an idyllic escape for adults and children to roam and discover.

Fans of history and architecture can marvel at the palatial residence. At the same time, families will appreciate the fairy-tale ambiance that characterizes the castle and its surroundings. The castle is also part of the UNESCO World Heritage site of the Lednice-Valtice Cultural Landscape, thus solidifying its status as a must-visit for travelers exploring the Czech Republic.

Here is Why Your Kids Will Find it Interesting

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The palace is a place of fairy tales and history that speaks to the imagination of youngsters. The castle is a picturesque setting that children may recognize from storybooks, and the surrounding gardens and parks also provide ample space for little ones to explore.

Three Main Reasons for a Family Visit:

Interactive Tours: Children love to see the grandeur of a castle, and it offers tailored tours that captivate young minds. The castle's history is presented in a way relatable to kids, making it an educational experience as well.

Maze and Playground: The castle grounds include a charming maze and playground for children's entertainment. These areas provide a safe and fun environment for kids to release energy and indulge in play.

Boat Trips: A serene boat trip on the castle's lake adds an element of adventure to the day. It's an activity that children of all ages find delightful, creating lasting memories for the entire family.

Lednice Castle is worth visiting with kids because it offers a balanced mix of outdoor activities and cultural education. The castle intrigues children as young as five, sparking an interest in history and architecture.

Why Children Will Be Engrossed:

  • Ages 5-12: Adventure and exploration await, with child-friendly tours, magical outdoor spaces, and hands-on activities that engage their senses and curiosity.
  • Ages 13 and above Older kids appreciate the rich history and artistry of the castle, furthering their understanding of European heritage.

Visiting Lednice Castle with your family is a chance to create unforgettable stories and learn together in one of the Czech Republic's stunning historical sites.

History of Lednice Castle

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The story of the Castle encompasses centuries of dynamic history, set against the backdrop of South Moravia in the Czech Republic. From its early 13th-century roots, the castle has undergone numerous architectural transformations, symbolizing the wealth and influence of its owners through time.

Originally a Gothic fort erected in 1222, the structure lent its strategic importance to Czech King Václav I, who 1249 passed it to Austrian noble Sigfried Sirotek. By the end of the 13th century, the prestigious Liechtenstein family, an influential House from Styria, secured ownership.

  • Renaissance Influence: The 16th century saw the castle's Renaissance reimagining, introducing a more refined, cultured aesthetic.
  • Baroque and Neo-Gothic Conversions: Later, sweeping changes courtesy of Baroque and Neo-Gothic revivals infused the castle with its fairy-tale appearance.

Adorned with opulent Gothic Revival features during the 19th century under the House of Liechtenstein's patronage, Lednice Castle now boasts a romantic allure that captivates visitors.

Nestled in the heart of the Lednice-Valtice Cultural Landscape, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the castle coexists with a staggering cultural landscape with an equally impressive park. Lednice Park complements the castle with its historical narrative and natural beauty. It features a serene setting ideal for families seeking education and adventure.

With its rich tapestry woven from the threads of Gothic, Renaissance, and Neo-Gothic design, Lednice Castle is a testament to the region's architectural and cultural evolution — and remains a cherished gem within Moravia's historical tapestry.

Architectural Evolution

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The architectural journey of Lednice Castle depicts a canvas of historical artistry, evolving through centuries from its medieval origins to a neo-gothic masterpiece. This evolution encapsulates the changing tastes and grandeur of the nobility who resided within its walls.

The early form of Lednice Castle is shrouded in history, with its initial phase likely taking shape in the 13th century. This foundational structure was the cornerstone for the castle's rich architectural tale, poised for transformation.

Transitioning through the ages, Lednice Castle bore witness to significant changes. Gothic elements were introduced, bestowing a stately grace, followed by the Renaissance wave sweeping Europe, further embellishing the castle with classical refinement and symmetry.

The castle's architectural narrative took another turn with the Baroque influence in the 17th century. Architects like Johann Bernard Fischer von Erlach contributed to the castle's transformation, enriching it with exquisite curves and ornate decorations that celebrated the era's opulence.

In the 19th century, the castle underwent a Neo-Gothic Restoration, significantly led by architects like George Wingelmüller. This revival, evident in the castle interior, embodied the romanticism of the Gothic Revival, with features like the artificial Baroque cave known as the Grotta and classical structures like the Minaret adding to the estate's picturesque landscape. The result was an architectural statement that still captivates families with its fairytale appeal and the grandiose chateau interior that leaves visitors in awe.

Lednice Castle Grounds

The Lednice Castle Grounds are a spectacle of horticultural artistry and architectural whimsy, teeming with ornate structures and lush green spaces. It's where nature's tranquility meets human creativity, offering families a chance to step into a fairytale-like setting.

Lednice Park

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Lednice Park is not merely a green space; it's a vital part of the expansive Lednice-Valtice Cultural Landscape, praised for its intricate landscape design. Children can play amidst vast lawns and ancient trees, while parents appreciate the artful arrangement of flora. At the heart of this park stands the iconic Minaret, an observation tower with panoramic views that will captivate both young and old.

Gardens and Greenhouse

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The gardens at Lednice Castle are meticulously maintained, showcasing a vibrant tapestry of flowers and plants that change with the seasons. The greenhouse is a treasure trove of exotic plants, offering a glimpse into far-off ecosystems. A walk through these gardens feels like a journey worldwide, with the Chinese Pavilion and Roman Aqueduct providing a serene backdrop to this verdant paradise.

Follies and Outbuildings

Various follies and remarkable outbuildings are scattered across the grounds, stirring the imagination with their historical and fantastical forms. An artificial Baroque cave (Grotta) intrigues with its mysterious aura, while the artificial ruins spark conversations about the past. Structures like Janohrad, Rybniční Zámeček, and Pohansko tell their own unique stories, adding depth to the castle's history. Children might wonder at the towering Obelisk or try to make a wish at the Venetian Fountain, making every corner of the grounds an adventure.

Castle Interiors

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Lednice Castle's interiors are a tapestry of historical splendor, showcasing luxurious rooms once reserved for nobility. The castle promises visitors a genuine peek into the grandeur of aristocratic life through its meticulously preserved rooms and collections.

Public Tour Path

Visitors are welcomed into a world of historical elegance along the public tour path, which guides them through a series of sumptuously furnished rooms. They marvel at the expert craftsmanship of the original woodwork and furniture. Each step through the tour unveils a new chapter in the castle's storied past, with the Turquoise Room standing out for its distinctive color and decor.

Private Princely Apartments

The private princely apartments were once the exclusive domain of the nobles who resided within the castle walls. Today, these rooms are accessible to the public, providing a glimpse into the private lives of princes and princesses. Children's rooms within the private apartments offer insights into the upbringing of young aristocrats while also resonating with visiting families.

Representative Halls and Rooms

The representative halls and rooms of Lednice Castle exude a grandeur designed to impress guests of the estate. The spaces showcase affluence and prestige, from breathtaking libraries to grand representative rooms. Lavish decor and period furniture complement the detailed woodwork, making these halls a must-see attraction for all visitors seeking to immerse themselves in the castle's historical allure.

Cultural Significance

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Lednice Castle is a magnificent architectural marvel and a pivotal hub for cultural preservation and artistic expression. It encapsulates centuries of history, art, and tradition within its walls, gardens, and surrounding landscape.

The Lednice-Valtice area was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site for its exceptional cultural landscape, an outstanding example of a designed landscape that evolved in the Enlightenment and afterward under the care of a single family. The estate reflects notable architectural shifts through its Gothic, Baroque, and Neo-Gothic renovations, mirroring the cultural epochs it has traversed.

Art and Collections

Art and heritage connoisseurs will be enchanted by the art collections and ornately decorated representative halls in the castle. The Liechtenstein family has curated and preserved various priceless art pieces, contributing to the castle's cultural richness. Renowned for its museum collections, the castle shelters the Museum of Marionettes, a unique exhibit that showcases historical puppetry, a significant aspect of local cultural heritage.

Musical and Cultural Events

Lednice Castle becomes a vibrant venue for musical and cultural events, drawing families and culture enthusiasts alike each year. It is a beautiful backdrop for classical concerts, thematic festivals, and enchanting Christmas markets. It provides visitors with an immersive cultural experience tied to the Czech traditions and the castle's historical narrative. These events celebrate the estate's living museum and cultural nucleus role.

Annual Events and Celebrations

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Lednice Castle, nestled in the South Moravian countryside of the Czech Republic, hosts many cultural events and celebrations that draw families from near and far. Every year, as the seasons unfold, the castle and its grounds transform into a prestigious venue for art, tradition, and community gatherings.

July heralds the summer festivities with a calendar brimming with outdoor activities tailored for family enjoyment. The estate's gardens, in full bloom, set the stage for art fairs and food festivals, where local delicacies and crafts can be appreciated amidst the serene backdrop of this historic chateau.

As August arrives, the castle continues to captivate visitors with its summer concert series. These concerts showcase a medley of classical and contemporary music, allowing families to indulge in the rich sounds that have echoed through the ages, all while basking in the warm, golden evening light.

September, synonymous with the start of autumn, sees the Lednice-Valtice Cultural Landscape – a UNESCO World Heritage Site – adorned with the golden hues of changing leaves, making it the perfect time for the highly anticipated wine festivals. It is when the castle’s historic wine cellars open their doors, offering tastings of the region's finest wines, elevating the experience to regal sophistication.

In the crisp air of December, the castle embraces the festive spirit with its enchanting Christmas markets. Families can stroll through the grounds wrapped in the cozy scents of mulled wine and roasted chestnuts, with the castle aglow with festive lights, creating an almost fairytale-like atmosphere for both young and old.

The Lednice-Valtice area, steeped in prestige and cultural significance, welcomes all year round, turning every visit into a cherished memory long after the celebrations have faded. Visitors interested in attending these events can find more information on the official Lednice-Valtice Music Festival site.

Conservation and Restoration

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The Lednice-Valtice Cultural Landscape, holding a coveted spot on the UNESCO World Heritage List, is a paradigm of historical conservation intertwined with nature. This extraordinary site has undergone several restoration projects to maintain its neo-Gothic and Gothic Revival architectural splendor, ensuring the preservation of its heritage for future generations to enjoy.

Historic Preservation Efforts

The castle's conservation is a testament to meticulous historic preservation practices. With a robust maintenance program, essential elements of the structure and landscape continue to be safeguarded. Careful attention is paid to preserving the delicate balance between the constructed environment and natural settings.

Restoration efforts are carried out with the utmost care, strictly adhering to accepted standards to prevent the loss of original character. Specialist restoration artisans are tasked with reviving the intricate details that make the castle a neo-Gothic masterpiece.

  • Funding and Support. Conservation of Lednice Castle benefits from various funding sources, including government grants and international organizations dedicated to preserving global heritage. This financial support is crucial in tackling the substantial costs of ongoing conservation work.
  • Engagement in Conservation. Family engagement is encouraged, offering educational insights into the importance of conservation. It ensures that the message of heritage preservation is passed down to youthful admirers, inspiring them to value and protect history.

Through the unwavering dedication to the maintenance and restoration of the Lednice-Valtice Cultural Landscape, this site remains a tangible narrative of cultural history, set amidst a tapestry of lush Moravian landscapes. Its thoughtful conservation ensures that families can step back in time to marvel at its beauty and historical significance for many more years.

Additional Services

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Lednice Castle provides an array of services to enhance the experience of its visitors, ranging from informative guided tours to interactive educational programs. Each service is crafted to cater to the needs of families, immersing both adults and children in the rich tapestry of history and beauty that the castle and its grounds offer.

Guided Tours

Visitors can immerse themselves in the history of Lednice Castle with expertly led Guided Tours. These tours offer a deeper understanding of the castle's past and present. Options include:

  • Representative Rooms Tour: Discover the luxury of Lednice Castle’s interior, from sumptuous furnishings to intricate details, all brought to life by knowledgeable guides. Visitors are treated to a grand tour that includes rooms like the Turquoise Room, the Red Smoking Room, and the Blue Dancing Room, each with unique charm and historical significance. 
  • Boat Tours: Glide along the castle’s serene waterways and enjoy the idyllic views of the garden landscape, which are incredibly captivating for the little ones.

Educational Programs

The castle also hosts a variety of Educational Programs designed to engage young minds:

  • Castle Library Sessions: Storytelling events that intrigue children and transport them through time with tales of the castle's past.
  • Garden Workshops: Hands-on activities in the castle's extensive gardens allow children to learn about botany and the environment in a majestic setting.

Additionally, after exploring all that Lednice Castle offers, families can visit the on-site Restaurant to taste local cuisine or pick up souvenirs from the Castle Shop, ensuring visitors can take a piece of Lednice home.


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Lednice Castle doesn't just beckons with its architectural grandeur but also invites visitors into a world of visual splendor through its wide array of art and photography. The castle's galleries host a rich tapestry of visual narratives, perfect for families looking to immerse themselves in culture.

Virtual Tour

Experience the Castle from Anywhere: In the comfort of their own homes, enthusiasts can embark on a virtual journey through the opulent halls of Lednice Castle. This digital doorway leverages virtual reality technology, allowing anyone worldwide to stroll through the castle's exquisite interiors and view its art collections without stepping outside.

Photography Collections

A Visual Feast: Lednice Castle showcases several photography collections that detail the castle's storied past and the breathtaking landscapes of its surroundings. Visitors can expect a curated selection of images that depict the castle's history and showcase South Moravia's beauty. Such visual narratives are especially engaging for children, captivating their imagination with scenes from when princes and princesses roamed these halls.

Gift Shop and Souvenirs

Guests can bring home a piece of the castle's charm when visiting Lednice Castle. The onsite gift shop is a treasure trove for those seeking to capture memories of their journey. It features a variety of souvenirs, from elegantly decorated postcards and posters to an array of books that delve into the castle's rich history.

Parents will find the selection of items perfect for engaging their children's imagination once home. The array of souvenirs includes:

  • Castle replicas: Intricately designed miniatures of Lednice Castle, ideal for displaying on a shelf or as part of a collection.
  • Local crafts: These items highlight the artisan skills of the South Moravian region, providing unique gifts that foster an appreciation for local culture.
  • Promotional items: For those looking to show their love for the Castle, branded t-shirts and caps make for perfect memorabilia.
  • Themed puzzles and games: These not only entertain but also educate youngsters on the grandeur and history of the estate.

The souvenir selection reaches beyond mere trinkets, emphasizing quality and significance. Whether it is a tastefully crafted piece of jewelry for a loved one or a traditional Czech glass bauble for the festive season, the offerings are thoughtfully curated to ensure visitors find something special to commemorate their visit.

In addition to physical souvenirs, the gift shop also presents a range of edible delights. From locally-made wines, a region specialty, to sweet treats that satisfy any child's sweet tooth, the shop serves a taste of Moravia that guests can savor long after their castle adventure.

A visit to the gift shop allows for the perfect rounding off of a family's fairytale day out, ensuring the magic of Lednice Castle can be cherished and relived through its keepsakes.

Local Cuisine and Dining

Surrounding the historical Lednice Castle, visitors find a delightful array of dining options well-suited for families craving a taste of South Moravian hospitality. From castle eateries offering royal menus to local restaurants serving regional delicacies, families can immerse themselves in a gastronomic experience that complements the grandeur of Lednice.

Castle Restaurants

Lednice Castle is home to dining establishments that cater to various tastes, allowing guests to dine in an ambiance steeped in history. The restaurants here often source ingredients locally, ensuring that each dish reflects the authentic flavor of the region. For example, Restaurant U Tlustých provides a menu filled with traditional Czech cuisine, serving dishes that have echoed through the castle halls for centuries.

Local Specialties

In Lednice, the local cuisine is an experience not to be missed. Local specialties include hearty dishes made with fresh, regional ingredients. One must-try is the sumptuous Moravian wine, which visitors can sample at wine bars and vineyards surrounding the area. The fertile lands of South Moravia afford an abundance of local products, and dining in Lednice offers the perfect opportunity to indulge in dishes like succulent duck, rich goulash, and the legendary smažený sýr (fried cheese). For the sweet-toothed, families can conclude their meal with traditional Czech pastries that kids will love.

Best Time to Visit

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Visiting the Lednice Castle in the Czech Republic is a delightful experience for families, offering a blend of architectural beauty and lush natural surroundings. Knowing when to go can make the outing more enjoyable for adults and children.

April to June: These months are ideal for a family visit. The castle operates throughout the week, allowing flexibility in planning your day. The weather is typically pleasant this time of year, enhancing the experience of the castle's outdoor areas.

Time Slots: Aim for morning visits as they are less crowded, giving families the leisure to explore the castle and its grounds with ease.

September & October: This period particularly appeals to those interested in viticulture and autumnal colors in the castle's extensive gardens.

Days to Visit: It is recommended to visit on weekdays to minimize interactions with large weekend crowds, making it more comfortable for families with children.

Seasonal Events: Families should look out for special events, which are often held on weekends and can provide additional entertainment for children.

Season Recommended Visit Time Note
Spring to Early Summer (Apr-Jun) Weekdays, Morning  Pleasant weather, less crowded
Autumn (Sep-Oct) Weekdays, Morning or Afternoon Vineyard harvest, autumn foliage

For a serene and enriching experience, plan your family’s visit to Lednice Castle accordingly, considering these suggested times. Discover more on the castle's official website.

How Long Does It Take to Attend?

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Attending and fully appreciating the grandeur of Lednice Castle can vary significantly in duration, depending on one's interests and pace. For families planning a visit, here's a general timeframe for both the journey and the exploration of the castle itself:

  • Travel Time: To reach Lednice Castle, one should account for transport duration. If driving, it's approximately 2.5 hours from Prague. For public transportation users, it involves a train to Breclav followed by a bus to Lednice, significantly extending travel time.
  • Castle Tour: Upon arrival, families can expect to spend at least two to three hours touring the castle's interior and exploring the surrounding park. Guided tours offer in-depth insights into the castle's history and artifacts, which can appeal to adults and children alike.
  • Additional Activities: Additional time should be allocated for those wishing to envelop themselves in the castle's atmosphere. With its serene setting and lush greenery, the park is a perfect picnic spot and allows for a leisurely pace.

Here's a brief breakdown of time allocation:

Activity Minimum Time
Driving/Public Transit   2.5+ hours
Guided Castle Tour 2-3 hours
Park & Gardens Leisure 1-2 hours

Visitors should note that, especially during peak season, they may encounter queues, which could add to the overall time.

Families can refer to the Lednice Castle official website for further details on planning your visit and tour schedules. Check-in advance for any variations in opening hours or special events that might affect visit duration.

Is Lednice Castle Worth Visiting?

Lednice Castle is a splendid choice that warrants attention when contemplating a family excursion to the Czech Republic. This architectural gem offers a fusion of history and beauty that captivates adults and children. It's where fairy tales come to life amidst its majestic gardens and intricate interiors.

Reasons to visit Lednice Castle include its educational value and enchanting atmosphere. The castle's history is fascinating, with each room telling a part of the Czech Republic's past. Families can engage with the culture and step back in time, while the kids can marvel at the same halls and stairwells that once welcomed royalty.

The expansive gardens are visually pleasing and offer ample space for children to explore and play. The castle grounds include a minaret and greenhouse, providing diverse attractions in one location. With leisurely boat trips on the Dyje River rounding out the experience, the ontological dimensions of exploration expand beyond the castle's walls.

Lednice Castle is worth visiting for its striking architecture, lavish gardens, and engaging tours designed to fascinate visitors of all ages. Its accessibility makes it an ideal spot for families looking to immerse themselves in Czech culture without the hustle of more crowded tourist destinations like Prague.

In conclusion, with its splendor and child-friendly appeal, the Lednice Castle beckons families into a real-life storybook setting. Lednice has something for every family member to enjoy, from its impressive facades to the serene boat rides. It's a cultural adventure that promises to enrich and entertain, making a trip here a memorable feature of any family vacation in the Czech Republic. So pack your curiosity and a picnic to savor in the shade of this historic castle – an adventure awaits.


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Why We Love It

  • Engaging for all ages: Lednice Castle isn't just a stunning example of neo-Gothic architecture; it’s where every family member, from toddlers to grandparents, can find something to marvel at. The intricate detail of the castle’s interior captures the imagination. At the same time, the expansive gardens provide a perfect playground for energetic youngsters.
  • Educational value: Visiting Lednice Castle is a journey through history and culture. The castle's guided tours offer families an informative glimpse into the lives of European aristocracy, contributing to a child’s education with immersive storytelling.
  • Outdoor activities: The castle's extensive grounds feature a picturesque park with a minaret and charming boat rides along the Dyje River. It’s an ideal setting for families to connect with nature while exploring the scenic South Moravian region.

Things to Know

  • Accessibility: While the castle grounds are spacious and generally accessible, the historic nature of Lednice Castle means that navigating the interior with a stroller can be challenging. Families with very young children should prepare for a bit of maneuvering.
  • Crowds: The castle’s popularity can result in large crowds, especially during peak tourist seasons. Families might want to plan their trip during the weekdays or off-season to avoid a stressful visit.
  • Limited food options: Food options on the premises cater to basic tastes, and there aren't many restaurants nearby. Families with specific dietary needs or preferences should consider packing a picnic in the castle gardens.

Opening hours

February - March Saturdays, Sundays 10:00-16:00
April, October Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays 09:00-16:00
May, June and September Daily except Mondays 09:00-17:00
July, August  Daily 09:00-17:00
November and December (until 17.12) Saturdays, Sundays 10:00-16:00
Время экскурсии может отличаться в зависимости от выбранного маршрута. 
* We recommend to check the openings hours before visiting
* Any inaccuracies found? Please, inform us

Ticket information

1. Representative rooms (basic tour) 
2. Private Princely apartments (basic tour)
Adults 25 up to 64 years 280 CZK
Seniors 65+, Youth 18 up to 24 years, Persons with disabilities with valid identification card/certificate 220 CZK
Children 6 up to 17 years 80 CZK
Children under 5 years Free
3. Children's room & Museum of marionettes
Adults 25 up to 64 years 240 CZK
Seniors 65+, Youth 18 up to 24 years, Persons with disabilities with valid identification card/certificate 190 CZK
Children 6 up to 17 years 70 CZK
Children under 5 years Free
4. Grotta - artificial baroque cave
Adults 25 up to 64 years 120 CZK
Seniors 65+, Youth 18 up to 24 years, Persons with disabilities with valid identification card/certificate 100 CZK
Children 6 up to 17 years 40 CZK
Children under 5 years Free
5. Greenhouse
Adults 25 up to 64 years 140 CZK
Seniors 65+, Youth 18 up to 24 years, Persons with disabilities with valid identification card/certificate 110 CZK
Children 6 up to 17 years 40 CZK
Children under 5 years Free
6. Minarett
Adults 25 up to 64 years 100 CZK
Seniors 65+, Youth 18 up to 24 years, Persons with disabilities with valid identification card/certificate 80 CZK
Children 6 up to 17 years 30 CZK
Children under 5 years Free
7. Minaret halls
Adults 25 up to 64 years 180 CZK
Seniors 65+, Youth 18 up to 24 years, Persons with disabilities with valid identification card/certificate 140 CZK
Children 6 up to 17 years 50 CZK
Children under 5 years Free
8. John's Castle (basic tour)
Adults 25 up to 64 years 140 CZK
Seniors 65+, Youth 18 up to 24 years, Persons with disabilities with valid identification card/certificate 110 CZK
Children 6 up to 17 years 40 CZK
Children under 5 years Free
* We recommend to check the ticket prices before visiting
* Any inaccuracies found? Please, inform us

Best for



Country: Czech Republic
Region: Brno
Address: Zámek 1, 691 44 Lednice, Czech Republic
Phone: +420 519 340 128
E-mail: [email protected]
Official website:


Lednice Castle, a sprawling historic gem, is nestled comfortably in the heart of South Moravia. The castle's grounds are a part of the Lednice-Valtice Cultural Landscape and provide an idyllic setting for a family-friendly adventure steeped in European aristocratic charm. Located explicitly at Zámek 1, 691 44 Lednice na Moravě, this picturesque estate is easily accessible. It offers an engaging peek into the cultural tapestry of the Czech Republic.

Getting to Lednice Castle by Public Transport: Public transportation presents a convenient option for visitors. Trains and buses operate regularly from regional cities, with the nearest mainline train station in Břeclav, located just 10 km away from the castle.

  1. Train: From Brno or Břeclav, visitors can catch a direct train to Lednice.
  2. Bus: Regular bus services connect Lednice to surrounding cities and towns.

Arriving at Lednice Castle by Car: Driving might be the more comfortable choice for those traveling with the family.

  1. From Brno: Take the E461, followed by Route 52, a journey of approximately 56 km.
  2. From Vienna: A short 85 km drive via the A5 motorway and Route 52 brings visitors into the realm of fairy tales.

Upon arrival, visitors will find several parking options conveniently positioned within walking distance of the castle:

  • Chateau Car Park is right in front of the castle and offers ample space.
  • Town Centre Parking: A short stroll through the quaint town of Lednice ensures a scenic approach to the castle grounds.

Tours and Excursions


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Lednice Castle, located in the Czech Republic, has a rich history dating back to the 13th century when the Liechtenstein family acquired the property. The castle underwent several transformations over the centuries, with significant renovations in the 17th and 19th centuries. In the mid-19th century, Prince Alois II transformed Lednice into a summer palace in the spirit of English Gothic architecture, resulting in the neo-Gothic wonder that stands today.

Lednice Castle, a stunning architectural marvel in the Czech Republic, boasts an extravagant and compelling interior that showcases exceptional woodwork, furniture, and decor. The castle's interior features lavishly carved wood ceilings, exquisitely carved doorways, paneling, and original parquet flooring, all of the highest standard. The castle's opulent design reflects the aesthetic preferences of Prince Alois II, who desired a summer residence inspired by English Gothic Revival architecture. Lednice Castle's interior is a testament to exquisite craftsmanship and attention to detail, making it one of Czech castles' most compelling and extravagant interiors.

Tickets to explore the castle can be obtained from the Lednice Castle's official ticket office. Visitors are advised to purchase tickets in advance, especially when traveling with children, to ensure entrance on preferred touring dates.

Yes, Lednice Castle provides a fairy-tale backdrop for weddings. Couples can exchange vows within the castle or its picturesque grounds. More details on booking the venue can be found on the castle's official wedding services page.

The castle was historically owned by the Liechtenstein family, who were significant figures in the Holy Roman Empire and later the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Their influence is evident in the castle's grand design and the surrounding landscape.