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Spilberk Castle

Spilberk Castle

Czech Republic, Brno

Perched atop a hill in the charming Czech city of Brno, Špilberk Castle commands attention with its historical grandeur and cultural significance. Known to locals as the 'castle on the hill,' its beginnings trace back to the first half of the 13th century under the commission of the Přemyslid kings. What started as a formidable fortress evolved into various roles through the ages, shaping the tapestry of Central European history.

Families exploring Southern Moravia will delight in the layers of stories woven into the very stones of Špilberk Castle. As children dash along its ancient ramparts, they engage with history and become part of the narrative. The castle's dual legacy as a royal residence and notorious prison adds a touch of intrigue, making it a must-visit destination where imagination springs to life amidst epic tales of nobility and captives.


  1. What is Spilberk Castle Known for?
  2. Here is Why Your Kids Will Find it Interesting
  3. History and Foundation
  4. Architecture and Structure
  5. Cultural Significance
  6. Visitor Experience
  7. Family Dining Options
  8. Best Time to Visit
  9. How Long Does It Take to Attend?
  10. Is Spilberk Castle Worth Visiting?

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Today, this once pivotal stronghold serves as a cultural beacon, offering panoramic views of Brno and hosting many events throughout the year. The castle's presence continues to be a testament to resilience, inviting visitors from around the globe to discover its captivating journey through time. Engage with the past at the Story of the Castle or take an unforgettable journey through centuries at Špilberk Castle — a tale of majesty, mystery, and memory awaiting families eager for adventure.

What is Spilberk Castle Known for?

The Castle is renowned for its historical significance as one of the city's main landmarks. Originally built as a fortress in the 13th century, it later served as a prison with a notorious dungeon and a summer theater. It offers visitors a panoramic view of the city and hosts yearly cultural events. Špilber is synonymous with its dark past as a place of imprisonment and has become one of the most valuable monuments in Brno, attracting tourists interested in its history and architecture.

Here is Why Your Kids Will Find it Interesting

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Spilberk Castle is worth visiting with kids for several reasons that turn history into an engaging adventure. They'll dive into a past resonating with tales of knights and intrigue that make every corner of this 13th-century castle a discovery.

1. A Journey through Time: The castle's expansive history provides a tangible lesson about medieval life and warfare. Whether exploring the fortress or wandering through the prison cells, children between 6 and 12 will be rapt by the stories and physical remnants of the castle's past occupants.

2. Interactive Exhibits: Permanent exhibitions like 'Prison of Nations' not only detail Špilberk's role as a nearly impregnable prison but also allow for a touch of interactive learning. Children can engage with displays that help them understand the castle's history entertainingly and memorably.

3. Culture and Views: The castle isn't just about the past; it's a beacon of culture with various events throughout the year. Families can experience performances and exhibitions that showcase both historical and contemporary creativity. Plus, the view from the castle is unmatched, offering a panoramic vista of Brno that can captivate any age.

With these elements combined, Špilberk Castle becomes an educational playground, perfect for families looking to immerse their children in history while enjoying a day filled with wonder and exploration.

History and Foundation

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The storied walls of Špilberk Castle whisper tales of its past as a royal stronghold, a bastion of military might, and a notorious prison. Tracing its roots to the Middle Ages, the castle has weathered the tumults of history, emerging as a symbol of resilience in the face of changing times.

Špilberk Castle was established in the 13th century by King Přemysl Otakar II of Bohemia. He envisioned it as a formidable royal fortress to protect the city of Brno and the Moravian lands, a beacon of power in the heart of Europe.

Throughout the 17th century, Špilberk Castle underwent significant expansion, reinventing itself as a military fortress. During the Thirty Years' War, its defenses were tested as it played an influential role in the broader conflict that engulfed the European continent.

The castle's role shifted in the aftermath of war, becoming a dreaded prison. The term' Prison of Nations' was coined to reflect its reputation as a jail where opponents of the Habsburg monarchy were kept under lock and key, from political dissidents to captured soldiers.

The dark chapters of the 20th century saw Špilberk Castle fall under Nazi occupation, its walls bearing witness to the turbulence of Czechoslovakia's history during this period. The fortress, once again, became a place of imprisonment, echoing the somber notes of its past.

The versatile nature of Špilberk Castle throughout history, from its foundation by Přemysl Otakar II to its use during the Nazi occupation, narrates a tale of transformation echoing the resilience and trials of the Czech people.

Architecture and Structure

Špilberk Castle, an enduring symbol of Brno, marries historical fortitude with architectural elegance. Its design beautifully reflects its multifaceted roles through time, from royal stronghold to feared prison. 

Overall Design and Fortification

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Constructed initially in the 13th century on a commanding hilltop, the Špilberk Castle was a regal residence and a strategic military fortress. Its robust fortifications include massive walls and imposing bastions, later enhanced during the 17th and 18th centuries, transforming the castle into a formidable Baroque fortress. These structural adaptations were a testament to the castle's importance in safeguarding the city and the Moravian region.

Casemates and Dungeon

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Within the fortress lie the casemates, a network of arched underground passages that evolved from military use to a grim dungeon. The notorious casemates represent some of the darkest chapters in Špilberk's history, where illustrious prisoners were once held in conditions that contributed to the castle's reputation as the 'dungeon of nations.' These underground chambers are now accessible to the public, allowing visitors to revisit and experience a slice of the castle's riveting past.

Iconic Corner Tower and Courtyard

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The iconic corner tower, often the highlight for many visiting families, offers panoramic views of Brno and beyond, a moment not to be missed. Meanwhile, the spacious courtyard serves as the castle's heart, where history and present-day converge through various cultural events, captivating adults and children alike. The tower and courtyard echo the indelible history etched into the castle's stones, narrating tales of glory, despair, and unsurpassed resilience through the ages.

Moravian Gallery is a 15-minute walk from the castle.

Cultural Significance

Špilberk Castle is a historic fortress with commanding views over Brno. Still, it also plays a pivotal role as a cultural hub, housing the Brno City Museum and serving as a vibrant venue for various exhibitions and events that draw families and culture enthusiasts alike.

Brno City Museum

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At the heart of Špilberk Castle's cultural offerings is the Brno City Museum, an institution dedicated to preserving and interpreting the rich tapestry of the city's history. Visitors strolling through its halls can immerse themselves in interactive exhibits, all while surrounded by the authentic atmosphere of this ancient fortress.

The museum boasts an array of permanent exhibitions that encapsulate the essence of Brno's cultural and historical landscape through meticulously curated artifacts. Let's name them:

  1. From Modern to Present: Gallery of Contemporary Art
  2. Moderna: Gallery of Modern Art
  3. Austrian Moravia: Gallery of Old Art
  4. For New Brno: Brno's Interwar Architecture
  5. Brno at Spilberk: History of Brno City
  6. From Castle to Fortress: How Spilberk was Built
  7. Prison of Nations: Stories of the Famous Spilberk Prison

Visitor Experience

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Spilberk Castle offers a rich tapestry of historical intrigue and breathtaking views, making it an ideal stop for families looking to immerse themselves in the annals of time while enjoying panoramic vistas of Brno.

Guided Tours and Information

Visitors can unravel Spilberk Castle's mysteries through guided tours catering to different interests and age groups. Knowledgeable guides illuminate the castle's past, sharing insights into the architecture and historical significance. Information is readily available, ensuring that each guest leaves with a comprehensive understanding of the site's storied background.

Viewpoints and Lookout

The castle's position atop a hill provides visitors ample opportunities to soak in spectacular views of Brno. Families can capture memorable photographs at several lookout points. The gentle breeze and the city's skyline stretching out below offer a serene experience that's hard to forget.

Family Dining Options

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When visiting Špilberk Castle with the family, the surrounding area offers several family-friendly dining options where everyone can enjoy a delicious meal in a welcoming atmosphere. Just steps from the castle, visitors can find the Hradni Restaurace Špilberk. 

  • Babinský Bistro provides a cozy spot for families to recharge with a snack and a beautiful city view. After exploring the castle grounds, grabbing a light lunch or refreshing drink is convenient.
  • Restaurace Hradu Špilberk: Specializing in traditional Czech cuisine and international dishes, this restaurant's varied menu ensures that even the pickiest young eaters will find something they like.

Best Time to Visit

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When planning a family getaway to Špilberk Castle with children, timing is crucial to ensure a rewarding experience.

Spring to Autumn

The most pleasant period to explore the castle's grandeur is April to September. During these months, the weather in Brno accommodates outdoor adventures with moderate temperatures ideal for little ones.

Weekdays Over Weekends

To avoid more enormous crowds, families are recommended to visit on weekdays. It allows for a relaxed pace, allowing children to roam and discover.

Morning Hours

Early in the day, typically at the opening time around 9 am, provides a fresh start. Kids usually have more energy; parents can harness this for educational exploration before the afternoon lull.

Special Recommendations

  • Viewing experience: Climb the observatory tower on a clear day for a captivating vista.
  • Outdoor activity: Enjoy the castle grounds, where children can expend energy and indulge in spontaneous play.


The castle's paths are stroller-friendly, ensuring ease for families navigating the grounds.

How Long Does It Take to Attend?

Visiting Špilberk Castle can be an enchanting experience for families, offering a dive into history and panoramic views of Brno. The time needed to appreciate the castle and its grounds fully varies among visitors, but one can generally expect the tour to take approximately:

  • Self-guided tours: 1.5 - 2 hours
  • Guided tours: 2 - 2.5 hours

For families with children, the allure includes spacious areas where little ones may stretch their legs while parents soak in the castle's architectural splendor. A visit might be leisurely extended to accommodate:

  • Picnic breaks in the gardens: Add 30 - 45 minutes
  • Exploration of exhibits: 20 minutes per exhibit

Exhibit attendance can vary depending on personal interest and the age of children — with exhibitions on castle history, medieval armor, and prison life; one can easily add another hour to their visit.

Don't forget: Seasonal events and reenactments might entice families to linger longer and are well worth the additional time.

To summarize:

Activity Time Required
Self-Guided Tour 1.5–2 hours
Guided Tour 2–2.5 hours
Picnic & Garden Stroll +30–45 minutes
Exhibits Perusal +20 minutes per exhibit

Families are encouraged to arrive earlier, especially during weekends or holidays, to ensure a paced experience. It's essential to check the official Špilberk Castle website for any changes in opening hours or special events that could impact your visit.

Is Spilberk Castle Worth Visiting?

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Spilberk Castle stands majestically atop a hill in Brno, providing not just a step back into Czech history but also a splendid panorama of the city. Parents and children alike can enjoy a leisurely walk through the surrounding park, which leads to the castle, making the ascent part of the adventure.

  • Historical Significance: Constructed in the 13th century, it has served as a royal castle and a fortress, playing a crucial role in the region's past.
  • Engaging Exhibits: The castle houses a museum that showcases the history of Brno with exhibits suitable for all ages, meaning learning is fun for the little ones.
  • Family-Friendly Activities: There are courtyards and open spaces within the castle complex where families can take a breather, and kids can run around, imagining themselves as knights and princesses from bygone eras.

Spilberk Castle is worth visiting for families who enjoy mixing education with entertainment, cherish stunning city views, and appreciate historic sites.

Reasons to visit Spilberk Castle include its easy accessibility for families strolling through a pleasant park, the intriguing history well-presented in digestible formats for kids, and the breathtaking vantage points ideal for family photos.

The journey up to Spilberk Castle is one the whole family can enjoy, with its lush park pathways leading to the storied castle. Here, every corner turns a new page in the chronicles of Moravia, while the panoramic views offer a natural spectacle that rivals the narratives of the past. Engaging museum displays cater to curious minds with tales of loyalty, conquest, and innovation that have shaped the region.

Spilberk Castle is worth visiting for its interactive exhibitions, family-oriented grounds, and historical narratives that come to life before your eyes. Parents can revel in the rich history, while kids can stroll in the open courtyards, making history tangible and enjoyable.

Families looking to enrich their travel experience with learning and outdoor exploration will find Spilberk Castle a memorable destination. The castle is a place where imagination takes flight – a historical treasure that beckons families to plan their visit and create their tales in the heart of Moravia.


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Why We Love It

  • Historical Charm: Špilberk Castle's origins date back to the 13th century, providing a rich tapestry of history that delights young and old. Children can let their imaginations run wild as they explore the ancient fortress, turning a family outing into an educational journey.
  • Panoramic Views: Positioned on a hill, the castle offers breathtaking views of Brno, making it a perfect spot for family photos and to help kids appreciate the beauty of the city from a bird's eye perspective.
  • Spacious Grounds: The vast grounds of the castle provide ample space for children to run and play, ensuring an active visit full of movement and excitement.

Things to Know

  • Accessibility: The hilltop location means a steep ascent that can be challenging for little legs or when managing strollers, potentially making access difficult for some families.
  • Limited Interactive Exhibits: The castle's historical focus might not cater to the interactive learning styles preferred by younger kids, risking less engagement from the little ones.
  • Seasonal Considerations: During extreme weather conditions, such as intense heat or cold, families may find the visit less comfortable, particularly in uncovered areas where kids are more exposed to the elements.

Opening hours

The grounds of the castle Mon-Sun 6:00-23:00
Cash desk in the small courtyard and ŠPILBERKSHOP Mon-Sun 9:00-18:00
Museum of the City of Brno - exhibitions, expositions; Lookout Tower, Royal Chapel and Prismatic Tower Mon-Sun 10:00-8:00*
Sightseeing tours Mon-Sun 9:00-18:00**
* only selected exhibitions are open on Mondays from October to April
** from October to April except Mondays
* We recommend to check the openings hours before visiting
* Any inaccuracies found? Please, inform us

Ticket information

Combined sightseeing circuits Basic entrance fee Reduced admission Family ticket
The story of the castle + Museum 240 CZK 145 CZK 550 CZK
Casemates + Museum 240 CZK 145 CZK 550 CZK
Guided tours
Water reservoirs 120 CZK 70 CZK 275 CZK
Bastion 120 CZK 70 CZK 275 CZK
Tours without a guide
Casemate 180 CZK 110 CZK 415 CZK
Museum circuit 160 CZK 95 CZK CZK 370
Lookout tower and Royal Chapel 120 CZK 50 CZK 265 CZK
Lookout tower 70 CZK  45 CZK  160 CZK 
Royal Chapel 70 CZK  45 CZK  160 CZK 
* We recommend to check the ticket prices before visiting
* Any inaccuracies found? Please, inform us

Best for



Country: Czech Republic
Region: Brno
Address: Špilberk 210/1, 662 24 Брно, Чешская Республика
Phone: +420 542 123 611
E-mail: [email protected]
Official website:


Perched atop a hill with panoramic views of Brno, Špilberk Castle offers a glimpse into the Czech Republic's spirited past. The fortress-turned cultural monument stands at Špilberk 210/1, 662 24 Brno, making it an impressive historical centerpiece in Brno.

By Public Transport: 

  • Tram:  Take lines 12, 3, or 5 and get off at the Špilberk stop. The castle is just a short walk away.
  • Bus: Lines 40, 52, 44, 701, and 84 stop near the castle. Look for the Špilberk or Husová stop. 
  • Trolleybus Lines 25 and 26 also stop near the castle at Husová. 


By Car: Should you prefer the comfort of personal transportation, driving to the castle is relatively simple. There are several parking options available, including:

  • Parking at Špilberk: Located directly below the castle, offering easy access.
  • Údolní Street: You can find paid and unpaid parking spaces near the castle grounds.
  • Veveří Street: Another nearby location with parking spaces to leave your vehicle before ascending to the castle.

Remember, the right choice of transport can add to the ease and pleasure of your family's historical adventure!


Tours and Excursions


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Špilberk Castle, perched on a hill overlooking Brno, has stood the test since the 13th century. It has served as a royal castle, fortress, and notorious prison, garnering the nickname "the prison of nations."

The renowned Brno Castle is Špilberk, a dominant landmark with an arresting view of the city, inviting locals and travelers alike to explore its historic grandeur.

Tickets for Špilberk Castle can be acquired at the castle's ticket office. Visitors may also check potential online purchasing options, ensuring a smooth entrance to this historic site.

Indeed, guided tours at Špilberk Castle offer a deeper understanding of its rich past and architectural beauty. These tours are ideal for families eager to dive into the castle's narrative. For example, you can visit such tours as "The Story of The Castle" or "Casemates - Prison".

In Špilberk Castle's interior, guests can marvel at historical exhibitions, ancient prison cells, and casemates. The castle also hosts cultural events, providing entertainment for all ages.