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Vienna in June

Vienna in June

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How to embrace the immensity? How do you see the most beautiful things? How do you get to know the most interesting things? Quite simply, you have to go to Vienna. This city is the best example of the interweaving of cultures, and it will delight you with its impeccable architecture, cuisine, flavours and melodies.

A trip to the heart of Austria is an unforgettable experience. The city is surprising you wouldn't expect to be surrounded by so much emotion and excitement when you visit the capital, but Vienna is swirling with its whirlwind of elegant buildings and magical atmosphere.

This article is about a trip to the Austrian capital in June and all the nuances associated with the first month of summer.

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Holidays in Vienna in June: Main advantages and disadvantages

Reviews of holidays in Vienna in June tend to focus on the music festivals. But apart from the festivals, the city is full of all kinds of entertainment for adults and children.

Even the children's entertainment has an unobtrusive educational element. Play, relax and learn - that's the motto for leisure time in Vienna. Vienna in June has a lot to offer travellers:

  • A large number of music festivals will satisfy even the most demanding music lovers.
  • The city has two types of tourist discount cards, the Vienna Card and the Vienna Pass, which offer different conditions and discounts.
  • The excellent weather encourages long walks in the fresh air.
  • There are many parks that offer the pleasant cool of green canopies.

There are also some nuances that are specific to travelling to Vienna:

  • The weather in early summer can be quite unpredictable, so bring an umbrella or rain gear just in case.
  • Summer crowds increase, and so do queues at exhibitions and museums.
  • Hotels in Vienna are very expensive, so it is worth renting a flat or apartment as it can be many times cheaper.
  • Make a list of things to see as the sheer number of attractions can be overwhelming.

Weather in Vienna in June

Unfortunately, the weather in Vienna can be a bit naughty in June and July. But the brief showers do a great job of cooling the city and its pavements.

The familiar summer heat alternates with refreshing rainfall. This keeps the trees lush and green and other plants from burning in the hot sun.

At the beginning of June, the weather presents residents and visitors with high temperatures almost immediately. The change in the mood of the sky can be felt from afar sweltering heat followed an hour or two later by clouds and rain.

In mid-June, the temperature in Vienna can reach +30°C, which makes for some blessedly warm showers. It's not uncommon for Vienna to get sunshower it's so much fun and pleasant to feel the kisses on your face.

In this kind of weather, you don't want to hide under the roof of a cafe. On the contrary, once you've walked in the rain, you're looking forward to the freshness of the weather.

At the end of June, the weather in Vienna gets very hot. On these days, it's best to plan indoor excursions in air-conditioned areas, or a visit to the local water park or zoo.

Air and water temperature

The temperature in Vienna in June is quite high and the climate is similar to ours. Although the first half of the summer is considered to be very rainy, the total rainfall is not that high, so bad weather in June lasts for an average of three days.

This doesn't stop you from enjoying the beauty of the city and the atmosphere of refined classics. The downside is the pavement, which gets hot in the midday sun. It's not very pleasant to walk with small children at this time of day.

But in the afternoon, when the sun is setting or has already disappeared, a leisurely stroll through Vienna's old streets is a pleasure.

Air temperature in Vienna in June

The average day temperature in Vienna in June is +24°C and the average night temperature is +13°C. However, these figures are very dynamic and erratic. They don't vary from year to year. If the weather is sunny and warm for a few days in a row, the daytime temperature can rise to around +32°C and the nighttime temperature can drop to +23°C. The opposite happens when it rains.

A rain front can cause temperatures to drop to 18°C during the day and 10°C at night. It is therefore a good idea to check the weather forecast the day before and always take these fluctuations into account when packing your suitcase for a trip to Vienna.

Amount of precipitation

The average rainfall in Vienna in June is 73 mm. Most of the rain falls in three to four days. However, this month is characterised by light showers rather than heavy downpours.

That's a good thing, because moderate and measured rainfall brings a refreshing change to nature and the city, rather than puddles and mud. It's still a good idea to take an umbrella with you when you travel, but you don't need to carry it around with you all the time it's a good idea to check the forecast for the next day.

Sunny, cloudy and overcast days

Sixteen full days of sunshine in Vienna in June will give you a taste of summer in all its facets. Despite the rainfall, only 13% of the month is cloudy. The cloudiest days are 32% of the month. On the other hand, 55% of June sees people seeking shelter in the cool shade of trees or under air conditioning in cosy cafés, museums and other interesting places in Vienna.

Excursions: the best places to visit in June

If it's cloudy or overcast on an overcast day in early June, it's worth exploring Vienna's main sights in the middle of the stone jungle.

The Imperial Palace (Hofburg) is a breathtaking example of the Habsburg dynasty's refinement a majestic structure with multiple courtyards.

The palace's Palm Pavilion is home to the Butterfly House, a must-see if you're travelling with children it's a fantasy of colourful, fluttering beauty.

The symbol of Vienna is St Stephen's Cathedral, whose carved architecture reaches high into the sky and contains three organs, one of which is the largest in Austria.

The Vienna State Opera is not only famous for its repertoire, but also for its prestigious balls. Across the street is Café Zacher, where sweet-tooth lovers can enjoy the dessert of the same name.

The Prater public park invites adults and children alike to experience the atmosphere of fun and celebration. The Giant Ferris Wheel and funicular railway are a must for visitors to Vienna.

The park also has a green area that is a great place to spend a nice, hot day in mid-June. The slide and the many swings and merry-go-rounds are a real treat for the little ones.

The baroque Belvedere Palace is the jewel in the Austrian capital's crown. Inside, you can admire lavish decorations and works of art by famous artists in the palace gallery.

Outside, stroll through the beautiful park with its elaborate sculptures, pond and tiered fountains, which are wonderfully refreshing on a sweltering day in late June.

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As well as all of Vienna's major attractions, don't forget to visit the City Hall and Schoenbrunn Palace, both of which are majestically graceful and well worth exploring.

Schoenbrunn Palace is also home to the Imperial Children's Museum, where your little one can feel like royalty by dressing up and spending a few hours as one. They'll learn about etiquette, dancing and social behaviour, with a bit of history thrown in for good measure.

And Vienna has its own architectural genius, like Gaudi in Barcelona. To see his work, visit the Hundertwasser House, an oddly shaped, colourful building.

The irregularity of the lines of the building stimulates the imagination, but also the soul. It contains ordinary flats, although the inside is said to be as unusual as the outside.

However, the tenants change quite often not everyone likes the attention of tourists. If Gaudi's creations are called gingerbread houses in Spain, Hunderwasser's can be called 'caramel houses'.

The Austrian capital also caters for children there are so many museums and attractions for them to discover. Some of the most popular include the ZOOM Children's Museum.

Rightly regarded as the best children's museum in Europe, ZOOM has plenty of interactive and educational activities for all ages. The museum is divided into four areas according to children's hobbies and age.

Here you can try out adult professions, be a pirate, make your own clothes, create your own cartoon and much more.

At the Natural History Museum, the biggest attraction for children is the dinosaur exhibit these interactive models of extinct giants are not just a collection of dug-up bones, but full-fledged figures with artificial skins and rotating eyes that move and roar as if they were alive.

Holidays, events and festivals

Most of the festivities in Vienna in June are dedicated to music, and if not to music, then to culture.

The beginning of summer is marked by a major event of international importance: the Viennese Life Ball. This event has nothing to do with the traditional idea of a Viennese ball.

On the contrary, stars and visitors from all over the world come to show off their most unusual outfits, and designers go wild with their creativity. The ball itself is dedicated to the fight against AIDS, paying tribute to the victims of the disease and raising money to support people living with HIV.

Many Hollywood stars and the rich come to the party and donate large sums of money.

Also in June, Vienna hosts the Wiener Festwochen, a music, opera and theatre festival that starts in May and is a real treat for the eyes and ears.

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In the middle of the month, the VieVinum wine festival in the Hofburg Palace blends in with the musical festivities. At the same time, Vienna's Jazz Fest Wien kicks off with music from all over the city, including the Opera House and the open-air venue on Town Hall Square.

The Danube Island Festival is at the end of the month. Donauinselfest attracts a lot of young people from around the world with its musical diversity.

During the festival, Vienna's green area on Donauinsel Island is laid out with stages and art platforms and a local infrastructure with many cafés and restaurants draws tens of thousands of visitors.

Classical music lovers will also find something to amuse them. The Wiener Kursalon hosts daily classical music concerts with a programme, a disc of composer works and a glass of sparkling champagne included in the ticket.

Cost of vacation

The large number of music festivals in June attracts music lovers from all over the world, especially young Europeans, but this factor does not have much impact on the pricing policy, except for the occupancy rate of hotels and apartments.

The number of group tours increases in June, which has a big impact on prices and holidays in Vienna. It is worth noting that Austria itself is a very expensive country, and no matter what month you come to the capital, it is unlikely to be cheap.

Airline tickets

Airfares in June are around 10% lower than the annual average, but are the most expensive compared to July and August.

Tour prices

Tours in June are the most expensive compared to the rest of the summer months (around 10-15% more expensive). Themed tours, especially around festivals, are an interesting option.

They are often offered at a slight discount or include booked tickets to events that are not essential for the traveller to attend, but it does save a bit on the tour itself.

Food anf Accommodation

Food in Vienna is relatively affordable, with a well-developed street food segment and many coffee shops and fast food outlets in the city. Lunch costs between €15 and €20 per person, and dinner in a restaurant starts at €60 for two.

Hotels in the Austrian capital are not cheap, however. Even the most basic hostel will cost you around €60, and during the summer music festivals that attract young people, even these can go up by 10-20%, so if you want to save money, consider renting an apartment.

Tips for holidays with children

Summer is a pleasant and warm time to travel with children. In June it is possible and even necessary to bring children of all ages. The main thing is to follow basic safety rules.

Use an umbrella when it rains, put a hat or cap on your child's head when it is hot and sunny, and put a jacket over their shoulders when it is cooler then your holiday will go by without the frustration of a runny nose or overheating. Follow these tips and head to Vienna, where there is so much to see and do for you and your little mischief-makers.

Come to this Austrian pearl that will seduce you with its majesty and beauty, and plan your own age-appropriate Vienna itinerary.