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Wildpark Ernstbrunn

Wildpark Ernstbrunn

Austria, Ernstbrunn

Wildpark Ernstbrunn, a hidden gem in the charming town of Ernstbrunn, Lower Austria, invites nature enthusiasts and families to embark on an unforgettable wildlife adventure. Spanning over 10 hectares of lush Weinviertler Eichenwälder (oak forests of Weinviertel), this sprawling park offers a unique opportunity to observe and learn about diverse animals in their natural habitats. From majestic wolves and bears to elusive lynx, Wildpark Ernstbrunn promises an immersive and educational experience that will leave visitors in awe of the wonders of the animal kingdom. Get ready to explore, discover, and connect with nature like never before in this captivating wildlife sanctuary.


  1. Immersive wildlife experience in natural habitats
  2. Wolf Research Center with educational programs
  3. Family-friendly activities and amenities


  1. Here is Why Your Kids Will Find it Interesting
  2. Exploring the Natural Habitats
  3. Wolf Research Center
  4. Activities and Amenities
  5. Best Time to Visit
  6. Conclusion

Here is Why Your Kids Will Find it Interesting

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Wildpark Ernstbrunn is worth visiting with kids aged 4 to 12 fascinated by animals and nature. The park offers an engaging and educational experience that allows children to observe wolves, bears, and lynx up close in their natural habitats.

The Wolf Research Center provides guided tours and interactive programs that captivate young minds and foster a deeper understanding and appreciation for these magnificent creatures. With its diverse activities and amenities, Wildpark Ernstbrunn ensures a fun-filled and memorable day out for the entire family.

Family-friendly features

  1. Playgrounds and recreational areas for children
  2. Picnic spots and rest areas for families
  3. Stroller-friendly trails and amenities

Exploring the Natural Habitats

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Wildpark Ernstbrunn takes pride in its expansive oak forests, which serve as a sanctuary for various wildlife. Visitors meander through the well-maintained trails and are transported into a world where nature reigns supreme. The park's commitment to preserving natural habitats allows animals to roam freely, providing visitors with an authentic and immersive experience.

From the majestic wolves prowling through the undergrowth to the playful bears frolicking in their enclosures, Wildpark Ernstbrunn offers countless opportunities for animal observation and learning.

Landgut Wien Cobenzl is 48 kilometres away, which we also recommend visiting with the whole family.

Wolf Research Center

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One of the park's crown jewels is the Wolf Research Center, where visitors can gain profound insights into the behavior and ecology of these fascinating creatures. The center offers close-up experiences with the resident wolf pack, allowing visitors to witness their social dynamics and hunting techniques firsthand. Educational programs and guided tours led by knowledgeable rangers provide a deeper understanding of wolves' important role in the ecosystem, dispelling myths and fostering a greater appreciation for these often misunderstood animals.

Activities and Amenities

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Wildpark Ernstbrunn offers a range of activities and amenities that cater to visitors of all ages. The well-maintained hiking trails and walking paths wind through the park, providing ample opportunities for exploration and wildlife spotting. Families with young children will delight in the park's numerous playgrounds and recreational areas, allowing kids to burn off energy while parents relax in the picturesque surroundings.

Picnic spots and rest areas provide the perfect setting for a leisurely lunch amidst nature. At the same time, the park's dining options and refreshments ensure that visitors are well-fed and hydrated throughout their adventure.

Best Time to Visit

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The best time to visit Wildpark Ernstbrunn with children is during the spring and summer, particularly on weekdays when the park is less crowded. Aim to arrive in the morning when the animals are most active, and the temperatures are more comfortable.

Recommended Duration: Plan to spend at least 3-4 hours exploring the park.


Wildpark Ernstbrunn stands as a testament to the beauty and wonder of the animal kingdom, offering families an unforgettable wildlife adventure in the heart of Lower Austria. With its commitment to conservation, education, and visitor satisfaction, the park provides a unique opportunity for families to bond over their love for nature and animals.

As we conclude our exploration of this remarkable destination, KidPassage extends its gratitude to our readers for joining us on this virtual journey. We encourage you to embark on your adventure at Wildpark Ernstbrunn, creating lasting memories with your loved ones amidst the majesty of the wild.


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Why We Love It

  • Unique opportunity to observe wolves, bears, and lynxes in their natural habitats
  • Educational programs and guided tours at the Wolf Research Center
  • Family-friendly activities and amenities for all ages

Things to Know

  • Some exhibits may be closed during certain times of the year
  • The park can get crowded on weekends and holidays
  • Some of the hiking trails may be challenging for younger children or strollers

Opening hours

Daily 9:00-17:00
Monday Closed
Saturday-Sunday 10:00-16:00
Weekdays Closed
* We recommend to check the openings hours before visiting
* Any inaccuracies found? Please, inform us

Ticket information

Adult EUR 9,8
Adults in groups of 10 or more EUR 8
Children 6-15 years, students, civilian/military service EUR 6
Children 6-15 years, students, civilian/military service - groups from 10 people EUR 5,1
Group of kindergarten children EUR 4
Dogs EUR 1,2
Animal feed EUR 1,5
* We recommend to check the ticket prices before visiting
* Any inaccuracies found? Please, inform us

Best for



Country: Austria
Region: Vienna
Address: Hollabrunnerstraße, 2115 Ernstbrunn, Austria
Official website:


Wildpark Ernstbrunn is located at Hollabrunnerstraße, 2115 Ernstbrunn, Lower Austria. The park is easily accessible by car, with ample parking available on-site.

Tours and Excursions


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