One day, a young mother, Martha Zimmermann, watching her daughter draw, made her conclusion about the pedagogical influence of art on a child. That is how the PLOM Children's Gallery appeared in Barcelona, where children are invited to draw together and discuss the language of drawing.
The primary method of work of Los Superpoderes del Arte is to hold workshops where children can show their creative abilities. Teachers will find the right task and share ideas to make each child feel talented. By the way, professional artists teach here. Classes are taught by artists. They are dynamic and entertaining and children learn different techniques from the grand masters of contemporary art: from Bauhaus to graffiti, art brut or cubism; from Kandisnky and Munch, Klee, Calder, Brossa, Picasso or Keith Haring, reaching the current art trying to compare techniques, artistic movements and artistic trends.
In the workshops, group work is encouraged. The children enjoy creating a collaborative canvas that is so large that it can only be placed on the floor. The children like to make a joint canvas that is so large that it can be placed on the floor. Not only paint is used to create them — paper and fabric applique, different materials and techniques are used. Children let their imagination run wild, something that teachers at Los Superpoderes del Arte encourage.
What do these classes do? First, they make children familiar with the world of painting, learn to understand the aesthetics of artistic paintings, and unravel the author's intention. Moreover, the young visitors to the master classes are discovering a new way to express their thoughts and feelings — through drawing. In addition, the gallery regularly holds exhibitions of young artists' work. Children's artwork, in particular, can be purchased.
Nearby Los Superpoderes del Arte is Casa Mila, built by Antoni Gaudi. Also nearby are the Casa Batlló and the Egyptian Museum of Barcelona.