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10 Interesting Facts about Madrid

10 Interesting Facts about Madrid

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Spain is a country of mystery with extraordinary and open-minded people who believe they are the Earth's centre. Where to start travelling around this fascinating country? Start with its capital, and our 10 interesting facts about Madrid will help you figure out where to go first and what to look out for during your trip.

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Fact 1. Europe's sunniest city and its tallest building

The Torre De Cristal is the tallest and most impressive office building in the city at 249 metres high, best photographed from a distance. Otherwise, the giant will not fit in the lens. Madrid is considered the fourth city in Europe on the list of the wealthiest cities. The Madrid-Barajas Airport, with a passenger flow of more than 50,000,000 people a year, is worth a lot. Well, the city itself occupies an area of more than 600 square kilometres. In addition to these facts, it is worth noting that Madrid is the sunniest city in Europe, with as many as 250 sunny days a year!

Fact 2. Why are people from Madrid called cats?

When talking to locals outside of Madrid, you will often hear them refer to the people of Madrid as "Gatos", which translates to "cats". According to the legend that the Spaniards will tell you, during the invasion of the country by the Arabs, one of the agile warriors climbed the wall like a cat and warned the city of the attack. He was nicknamed "Gato," meaning cat. Even though few daredevils nowadays are willing to repeat the historical trick, the nickname has stuck firmly with the townspeople.

Fact 3. A unique coat of arms

The honoured symbol of the Spanish capital is, strangely enough, the bear. It is depicted standing on its hind legs and eating berries growing on a tree. The official symbol is a reminder of how vital wood is as a component in Spanish life, which was used in constructing most homes. Even though nowadays more and more artificial and cheaper materials are used in construction, many Spaniards still prefer to use wood in the interior of their homes. By the way, you can see a statue of the bear and the tree today in Puerta del Sol.

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Fact 4. The oldest restaurant in the world in continuous operation

Sobrino de Botin is a restaurant in Madrid, officially recognized as the oldest in the world. It was opened in 1725, and the restaurant's chef still uses an authentic oven, working from the day of its foundation. This oven can already be called an independent tourist attraction. Forbes magazine gave the House third place in the list of the world’s top 10 classic restaurants. One more intetersting fact: the artist painter Francisco Goya may have washed dishes in the restaurant as a young man.

Fact 5. Burial of the Sardine

The people of Madrid have a funny tradition to celebrate the time of transition to Lent. A week before the start of Lent, visitors to the city can witness a colourful and extravagant carnival procession, during which all the participants not only joke and laugh a lot but also hold a funeral under the general laughter. This is a mock tradition of burying a sardine made of paper. The holiday called “Burial of the Sardine” (“Entierro de la Sardina”) appeared during the rule of the King Carlos III (XVIII century).   

Fact 6. A museum dedicated to the most courageous

The Spaniards' favourite pastime is known all over the world. It is about nerve-triggering bullfighting, which for many tourists is considered a rather cruel entertainment. But the Spaniards do not insist on understanding but allow visiting the Taurino Museum, where you can look at excellent thematic expositions, photos and see the costume of the famous bullfighter Manolete, who died in one of the fights with the bull. And for those who still want to see with their own eyes the incredible fight between man and giant animals, welcome to the famous bullfights, held every Sunday from March to October.

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Fact 7. Major pride

And, of course, the pride of Madrid is the Real football club, which was named the most outstanding team of the twentieth century. "Real" is not only the richest club on the planet but also one of the favourites of many fans worldwide. And when two irreconcilable rivals, Real Madrid and Barcelona, play on the same pitch, this game can be called the main event in the country.

Fact 8. The Capital of Flamenco

It is a fiery dance that combines tension and passion, tenderness and sincerity — an inexpressible spectacle that all tourists who visit Madrid want to see. This city can safely call itself the capital of this ineffable sensation and brightness of the spectacle. Every day in all corners of Madrid there are dance shows in bars and tablao Flamenco.

Fact 9. The largest Royal Palace in Europe

Madrid is the residence of the Spanish royal family. This is impressive in its beauty and scale. The building consists of 3418 rooms, and the total area of the palace is 135 thousand m2. Its second name is the Oriental Palace (Palacio de Oriente). The king does not live here (the current residence of the Spanish monarchs is actually the Palacio de la Zarzuela, built in 1630 on the outskirts of Madrid), but tourists can quickly get into it with a tour.

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Fact 10. The Dark Past of Plaza Mayor

One of Madrid's central squares, Plaza Mayor, used to be the place of heretic executions and bullfighting. Nowadays, it hosts less gory events, which locals can watch from 437 balconies overlooking the square.

Every interesting fact about Madrid is an excellent opportunity to get to know the city better. While you are planning your trip, we suggest reading our author's review of one of the best zoos in Europe, located in this marvellous city.